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Sixes S5 Pick Ban Week 5A

Match Date
02/24/2021 11:00 PM EST
Default Date
02/23/2021 10:30 PM EST

Home 2.50
Away 0.50

Match Comms


Last Comment:
ire Admin
 01/27/2021 04:03 AM EST
Please remember that all players must record POV demos.

Starting this season, under 1008.5.1, the team which provided the server must post a link to the STV demo of their match on demos.tf in the match comms within 72 hours of the match's conclusion. Failure to do so will result in penalties. If there is a technical problem with uploading to demos.tf, contact your division admin to find a workaround.

ash Auto Generated - GlobalClan Ice
 02/21/2021 11:15 PM EST
Proposed a match date of Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 11:00 PM EST

The opposing team has 24 hours to respond using the "Schedule Match" tab in this match page. Failure to do so will auto-accept this match time.

ire Admin
 02/22/2021 01:36 PM EST
This match will be casted by RGLgg. This means RGL casting rules must be followed, see Global Rules 1010.1.1-4. Rules will be enforced by the production team.

For you this means:
- Providing server info, and remaining in contact with the production team
- Starting on time
- Not doing anything that would interfere with the STV
- Using names that match or obviously resemble your name on RGL
- Not rescheduling within 12 hours of match time
- Minimum of 3 minute player stream delay

In the interest that matches go smoothly we ask that players set their status to invisible on Steam prior to connecting to the match server.

Any production details should be communicated to DolphiN (DolphiN#2754). Communication with them constitutes notifying the casting team.

virgil Auto Generated - Rebirth Esports
 02/22/2021 05:41 PM EST
Accepted match date of Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 11:00 PM EST

ash AUTO GENERATED - GlobalClan Ice
 02/22/2021 11:04 PM EST
Final Pick/Ban Results
GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - cp_process_f7
GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - koth_product_rcx
GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - cp_metalworks
Rebirth Esports - BANNED - cp_villa_b18
Rebirth Esports - BANNED - koth_bagel_rc3
Rebirth Esports - BANNED - koth_clearcut_b15d
GlobalClan Ice - PICKED - cp_sunshine

ash Auto Generated - GlobalClan Ice
 02/25/2021 12:33 AM EST
Match score submitted.
Final score
GlobalClan Ice: 2.50
Rebirth Esports: 0.50

Map Results
GlobalClan Ice: 5
Rebirth Esports: 2

ash - GlobalClan Ice
 02/25/2021 12:34 AM EST