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P7 EU Season 3 Week 3 - Borneo

Match Date
Not set
Default Date
02/27/2019 02:00 PM EST
Latest Reschedule Date
03/26/2019 01:00 AM EDT

Home 1.60

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Albert Admin
 02/23/2019 03:51 PM EST
Hello and welcome to week 3 of RGL Prolander!

This weeks map is pl_borneo so be sure to use the rgl_stopwatch config
This match is Best of 3 so it's the first team to get the better time twice who wins.
For a detailed description of how Payload/Stopwatch works, and the general rules see http://eu.rgl.gg/Public/About/Rules.aspx#map-koth
Do remember that the home team should provide the server unless otherwise agreed, https://serveme.tf/is a popular choice for this
If there's any questions, don't be afraid to go to the support channel in our discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/Sfxzxfj)Best of luck, and have fun!

sigafoo Admin
 02/27/2019 02:29 PM EST
The match has been forfeited in favor of Almost Famous. The remaining 1.4 points can still be won. Teams can reschedule the match prior to the end of the regular season and play for them.