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Advanced Semifinals


   Micahlele   - 7/30/2019
Semifinals: The Money Team vs Bruh Team


The map pool this season has been Ashville, Swiftwater, Cascade, Vigil, Product, Upward, Steel. Bruh bans, TMT bans, TMT picks, Bruh picks, Bruh bans, TMT picks.

1. Bruh bans Product

Bruh Team goes for the Product ban right away, and rightfully so due to their loss against B&H earlier in the season on the map, and the loss against many brandons in the quarterfinals match.

2. TMT bans Cascade

A smart choice banning Cascade, as it is easily one of TMT’s weaker maps, losing to many brandons earlier in the season 4-2 on it.

3. TMT picks Steel

Another smart choice picking steel against Bruh. TMT is very confident with their Steel abilities, rolling B&H 2-0 in their match, while Bruh dropped a round to Home Depot in regular season, and won on steel in quarterfinals mostly due to many brandons inability to hold lobby.

4. Bruh picks Swiftwater

With TMT having their Swiftwater match against the now dead NTG, they might not be as confident on it as they would hope, while Bruh has shown lots of Swiftwater success through their matches and scrims.

5. Bruh bans Ashville

Bruh eliminates a map that denies their strongest players from performing. Markers is going to enjoy this ban, so he doesn’t have to play two totally horrid maps for sniper.

6. TMT picks Vigil
TMT has shown to be very dominant on Vigil through their scrims, going 2-0 over S.H.I.T., the team that rolled Bruh 2-0 in their Week 4 match.


Scout: XBS vs Lehcs

XBS and Lehcs are both great scout players, but XBS has had an incredible season thus far. Lehcs has only recently rejoined Bruh, after they lost rvn on scout. The lack of chemistry on the flank can only hurt Bruh, so XBS has the upper hand.

Verdict: Advantage XBS

Soldier: Mono72 vs pup

Mono has shown to be a force to be reckoned with time and time again, constantly performing well in matches and scrims, while pup has been on the lighter side of things. Even with pup doing very well against many brandons in quarter finals, I don’t think that trend will continue.

Verdict: Large Advantage Mono72

Pyro: Guava vs Charizard

Both pyros were picked up later in the season, with charizard being rang for the rest of playoffs I believe and have had normal performances with their teams. I haven’t seen enough of either to give the best estimate of their skills, so I’m just going to call it a tie.

Verdict: Tie

Demo: Makkabeus vs avian
Makkabeus is an established demo player, getting 2nd place in ESEA IM S30, and playing advanced last season placing third with S.H.I.T. Giving Makka all the praise would be wrong, when avian has been absolutely smashing this season on demo. Even with avian’s stellar performance, Makkabeus is still stronger all around.

Verdict: Advantage Makkabeus

Heavy: civ vs Bear Hoovy

Civ is a top 2 heavy this season, no questions asked about that. He has so much experience behind him, even possibly placing in advanced last season, but wasn’t able to because of some unfortunate circumstances with his team. There is no universe where civ gets outmatched by Bear Hoovy.

Verdict: Large advantage civ

Engie: tuba god vs Coffee Cup

Coffee Cup had an underwhelming performance in the quarterfinals match against many brandons, while tuba god has been a constant presence and a top 2 engie this season. My experiences playing with and against tuba god also cement that he is a fantastic engie with plenty of skill to show.

Verdict: Advantage tuba god

Medic: General Nick vs Soala

General Nick has taken some time off, missing about a months’ worth of scrims, while Soala is hot off his victory against many brandons. Both players have great mechanical skill, but unless Nick manages to completely shake off his rust, Soala has the advantage here.

Verdict: Slight advantage Soala

Sniper: d3nny vs Markers

Markers is an absolute monster of a sniper, and in my opinion is the best sniper in advanced and can easily outsnipe some low invite snipers. Not to sell d3nny short, he has had a fantastic performance throughout the season, easily being a top 3 sniper. Ultimately though, I don’t believe he will be able to match Markers during this match.

Verdict: Advantage Markers

Spy: 5perm vs agb

5perm is easily a top 2 spy this season, only matched by Hino, who is playing for S.H.I.T. He has the experience and game sense that agb can’t match with his very little experience.

Verdict: Large advantage 5perm


Steel: 2-0 TMT
Swift: 2-1 TMT
Vigil(if needed): 2-0 TMT