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P7 EU Season 3 Week 3 - Borneo

Match Date
02/27/2019 02:00 PM EST
Default Date
02/27/2019 02:00 PM EST

Home 3.00
Away 0.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Albert Admin
 02/23/2019 03:55 PM EST
Hello and welcome to week 3 of RGL Prolander!

This weeks map is pl_borneo so be sure to use the rgl_stopwatch config
This match is Best of 3 so it's the first team to get the better time twice who wins.
For a detailed description of how Payload/Stopwatch works, and the general rules see http://eu.rgl.gg/Public/About/Rules.aspx#map-koth
Do remember that the home team should provide the server unless otherwise agreed, https://serveme.tf/is a popular choice for this
If there's any questions, don't be afraid to go to the support channel in our discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/Sfxzxfj)Best of luck, and have fun!

94 hours Auto Generated - Temporary Difficulties :3
 02/27/2019 02:51 PM EST
Match score submitted. Final score
Temporary Difficulties :3: 3
4TheLogs legacy!:0